Editor: Wouldn’t it be nice if the Township of 91Ô´´ took seriously the notes of Lidstone & Company, and educated its employees on proper protocol, by providing services, laws and other matters for the community benefit.
This would contrast with the Township’s current practice of imposing on the rights of citizens to park their motorhomes in their double driveways or chasing down those citizens who rent their property out to individuals for private functions, such as weddings.
I am sure that large sums of money would then be available by reducing the need for certain employees. These individuals’ positions seem to be for the purpose of reinterpreting bylaws and enforcing and ticketing individuals.
It would also be a better use of the funds now used for legal fees — money the Township uses to attack or defend itself from citizens.
The Township could ensure it enters into solid contracts, to avoid the need to pay out funds, as were paid to the operators of the 91Ô´´ Events Centre.
Just think of the funds that could benefit the community, instead of abusing the very people who voted in members of council.
Well, we’ll know better next time.
L.E. Derushie,