Dear Editor,
Masks: to wear, or not to wear, that is the latest COVID question, especially as school sets to start. No matter whether you agree or disagree with wearing a mask, we should all be wary of it being made mandatory.
Our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms says that the government can only put reasonable limits on our freedoms if it can demonstrably justify doing so.
Considering that the efficacy of masks is at best uncertain and at worst harmful to your health, I’m not sure how the government can demonstrably justify mandating the wearing of them.
So far, I’m glad to see Premier Horgan has refrained from doing so on a general basis, although it’s still a concern for our kids in school.
Now, however, the government has come out with fines for those who aren’t following the social distance rules. Will not wearing a mask follow?
• READ MORE: Masks now required at Winners, HomeSense, Marshalls stores across Canada
What about vaccines, are they to be mandated next? Will people not be able to travel, or receive benefits or health care if they refuse to vaccinate?
What is the end game here and how long will it take? We were told it was about flattening the curve, not about preventing cases. Then the focus became the number of deaths. Now the goal posts have been moved again, and it’s all about the number of cases.
How many freedoms are we willing to give up for a virus that has over 99 per cent recoverable rate? How much governmental control over our lives are we willing to take, and for how long?
This situation is starting to feel like we are frogs in a pot. If we don’t stand on guard for Canada and the freedoms that we still currently have, one day we will realize the water has boiled and it’s too late.
Ang de Boer, Aldergrove
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