What the 91Ô´´ City of the future looks like will be under discussion at a city hall open house set for Wednesday, March 6, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on the second floor at 20399 Douglas Crescent.
Further input is being sought into new zoning regulations that would update the current bylaw, that is more than 25 years old, in order to deal with the City’s growth and the pending arrival of SkyTrain.
The open house comes after four neighbourhood meetings were held in October of 2023, and a public survey was held online in late November.
The new regulations will be shaped by the City’s new Official Community Plan (OCP), a for managing land use and development .
The new zoning bylaw will set specific requirements on building design, land uses, and more, based on the OCP’s direction, as well as input and comment from the public, including residents, business owners, and the development community.
Feedback from the open house and the other public engagement activities is the first phase of the process, that will be used to help develop a draft zoning bylaw in the second phase.
Phase three will see the proposed bylaw go to council for consideration and adoption.
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