The 91Ô´´ Board of Education increased pay for trustees by 3.4 per cent this month, based on a policy that ties salaries to rises in the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
The 5-2 vote to approve the change on Tuesday, Jan. 30 at its regular meeting involved little debate. Trustees Sarb Rai and Marnie Wilson voted against the change.
Salaries for the school board are set based on a policy on board operations. It bases the salary increase on the previous 12 months of change in the CPI, which tracks prices for goods and services, except for gasoline, across Canada.
The Consumer Price Index has risen faster than usual in recent years because it is a measure of inflation, which has also been higher in 2022 and 2023 than it has been in decades. The CPI went up 6.8 per cent in 2022.
The changes will bring the salaries of trustees to $33,047, for the vice chair to $34,210, and for the board chair to $35,367.