We are concerned about the lack of notice regarding the posting of Stage 3 water restrictions. The notice appeared on the news portion of the Township of 91Ô´´ website sometime after 4 p.m. on Thursday, June 30.
Considering the restrictions came into effect July 1, one could easily state notice was a little late in coming. We checked the June 30 91Ô´´ Times Township pages and found no mention of watering restrictions.
We have not watered our lawn for many years over summer as we consider it a waste of a needed commodity. I had planned to wash my vehicles on Canada Day, however.
The late notice of the restrictions leads to a number of questions:
Has the artisan well in Murrayville, which was releasing a large amount of water from the aquifer, been capped as recommended?
Why would Township council approved subdivisions over the Hopington aquifer if there is insufficient water for current residents?
Why are water restriction signs posted on Telus and BC hydro poles which is a safety issue for their workers?
If the water situation in east 91Ô´´ is so dire, why did it take until the last eight hours of June to post notice on the Township’s own website?
Jim Thorpe