Editor: This is in reply to Scott Thompson’s letter, .
Mr. Thompson’s opinions show no signs of any understanding or research and the lack of any valid/factual information appears to be of no concern to him.
His double standard and “grass is greener on the other side” attitude is mind boggling.
On the one hand he is pleased that “Mayor ( 91ԭ City) Ted Schaffer kept the room in good spirits with words of praise for the developer,” but if Mayor Jack Froese (91ԭ Township) were ever to do that, Mr. Thompson and his crowd would lash out at him.
No wonder Mr. Thompson sees doom and gloom at the Township’s meetings, because his anti-development crowd poison the atmosphere by encouraging councillors Richter, Arnason and Davies to oppose any and all development.
Mr. Thompson who lives in Brookswood is happy with development in neighbouring 91ԭ City, but not in Brookswood.
Talk about NIMBYism.
Grant Ward
Editor’s note: Grant Ward is a former council member with the Township of 91ԭ.