I have been reading all of the information on the HST, both pro and con, and I find that the more I read and hear, the more I am convinced that the entire debate is a great big scam, initiated by the BC Liberal party and responded to by the anti-HST side, some times intelligently, other times in a knee jerk fashion.
It is also initiated by big business and quasi-intellectuals, all of them repeating time and again that the HST is good for B.C. and for the people.
If the HST is so good for us, why do I keep on seeing ads by big box stores, big business and others for ‘no HST sales?’
One would think if the HST is so good for us that these businesses would be telling everyone to spend, spend, spend and pay the HST because the HST is so good for them, don’t you think?
From the information provided by Tourism B.C. it would appear that overnight customs entries to B.C. and Canada are way down from 2009 in 2010 and 2011 to date.
How come we are not seeing this advertised by the government?
R.E. Nyirfa,
Walnut Grove