Editor: After the recent NDP convention, Adrian Dix is rubbing hands at the prospect of forming the next provincial government.
Dix would reconfigure B.C. according to his particular strain of political thought. Any sort of NDP provincial government in B.C. is a frightening thing to consider. Contrary to the cultivated myth, the NDP鈥檚 policies would actually harm the poor and middle class.
The NDP has not had an original idea since its formation, and the two or three that they hold have proven to be ineffective constructs to operate a government. They measure social responsibility by the number of government-run programs and the amount of money spent on them, as opposed to how many people are really helped. This speaks to the self-righteous arrogance of the NDP and Dix, who believe that they have cornered the market on compassion.
I acknowledge the public鈥檚 bitter resentment of the Liberals in B.C. They have exhibited many of the behaviours of a government in power so long that it thinks that it can get anything past the public. This contempt was aided in part by an ineffectual official opposition.
The general public in B.C. appears to crave some honesty and credibility in a provincial government. In his previous stint here in an NDP government, Dix showed that he has a proclivity for being economical with the truth.
People who want to punish the BC Liberals by throwing them out of office would only be hurting themselves. Nobody can afford to have the NDP running this great province of B.C.
Tim Opper,