Dear Editor,
I like many others, have seen the ads and received mailings from the new development, Latimer Heights Master Plan Community.
Out of interest for the townhomes they are building with rooftop decks, we made a trip to the area to check out the new housing.
First impression – super condensed, like a bee hive. I realize that 91Ô´´ needs to expand and bring in more people, which also brings in more businesses and money to the community, but it would have been nice to see more space between the developments.
Is it really that necessary to have the development sites stacked up against each other so closely?
I worry for all the little animals that made the area their home and are now being pushed out. They were here first and no thought has been given to their well being.
I was told eventually a park would be included in the site, but what about some plain old bush and green space for some of the animals?
I guess at the end of the day, the little animals don’t pay taxes, so they have to go.
Sandra Steffan, Willoughby