Editor: I admire anyone who chooses to run for political office, and I strongly believe that if you always take the high road, you will go far in your political life and also sleep better at night.
As a former 91原创 school trustee, I fully appreciate the dedication and time-consuming effort made by each and every trustee. I congratulate Cecelia Reekie and wish her well, and I encourage her to always take the high road as she embarks on her journey as a trustee.
I found it unfortunate that a letter to the editor from Fiona Miller (The Times, Jan. 19) made note of only three candidates who ran in this recent byelection. Hattie Hogeterp鈥檚 name was omitted. If this was intentionally done, then it was a low blow, to say the least.
Persons who write letters to the editor should know of their impact on others. One never knows, for instance, if the person or persons you hurt are in the midst of a family crisis.
It is one thing to kick someone and quite another to kick them when they are down, whether there is a family crisis or not. It is still the wrong thing to do.
In politics, one learns to have a thick skin and take the heat at certain times. The 91原创 School District has encountered, and will encounter, a variety of difficult situations.
I strongly encourage all trustees to work together and put petty differences aside. I also encourage trustees to urge their supporters to work with them, and not stir the pot and be hurtful.
It will be a sad day in 91原创 if, in the future, candidates and their supporters believe it is perfectly acceptable to take the low road approach. The end does not necessarily justify the means.
In my opinion, Miller was indeed mean and hurtful and hit below the belt by not acknowledging all the candidates who ran in the recent byelection. Each candidate deserves our respect and our thanks for their courage and convictions in running for office.
Chris Petipas,