Dear Editor,
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign.
I live on 52nd Avenue and 203rd Steet, and would like to know when information becomes to much information.
I walked from 56th Avenue to 52nd Avenue along 203rd Street the other day and counted 198 signs in a four-block distance.
The traffic circle on 53rd Avenue alone has around 75 signs to inform you on how to get around it.
I know for sure people are overburdened with all the signs as no one seems to see the 50 km sign as most people are speeding.
I would suggest to driving instructors not to bring your students on this route. With so many signs it is sure to cause distracted driving.
Are we really coming to an age that we need this much information to drive such a short distance and can not think for ourselves any more?
Stuart Watts, 91原创 City