Editor: After six years of flagging postings on Craigslist, writing letters to government and the media it鈥檚 time for me to look after my health, and put it as a priority. After all these years I see little being done to prevent these types of postings even though Craigslist has cleaned up their site to some degree the postings continue on their site in other areas 鈥 it鈥檚 unending.
Time now for younger people to step up to the plate and condemn these types of postings here in Canada, to write the media and the politicians, and put their input on cleaning up the internet. Time for the internet to grow up. Time for the world to grow up.
All these postings I have flagged throughout the years have a story and that story adds up to nothing more than hate and racism. It holds the bigger picture of what is going on in this country and the world.
The government on all levels has an obligation to each and every Canadian and for the future of this country. I have seen all types of postings over the years against many, many ethnic groups with threats, racial slurs and death threats/killing of human beings because of their religion, their colour of their skin, their ethnic origins or their sexual orientation.
The Attorney General of Canada was reviewing the Canadian Human Rights Act concerning Section 13 (1) and possibly reinstating it back into the Canadian Human Rights Act, and I have no reservations about it being reinstated.
The application of a law of 鈥渉uman rights鈥 is a profound law of protection for every Canadian, and when hate and racism grows stronger, I believe we as a nation have to grow stronger and provide the laws, especially concerning the internet, providing more protection for every man, woman and child within our homes and within this country.
The spotlight of human rights is a law of the world, and the world is utilizing the technical advancement of the internet not just for the good of mankind, but, also, for the purpose of hate, and, when left unchecked, leaves a country vulnerable.
It鈥檚 time for young people to speak out and it鈥檚 time for young people to step up to the plate, and it鈥檚 time for Canada to step up to the plate.
Cran Campbell,