Editor: In response to an editorial column dated Wednesday, Aug. 8, 2018 titled Rainbow connection, I would like to make the following points:
LGBTQ are a special interest political group. They have adopted (some would say misappropriated) the rainbow as their symbol.
The rainbow used to be a religious symbol, but has now become a political symbol. Either way, religious symbols and special interest political symbols do not belong in Canadian public spaces in 2018 because we are a very mixed society.
Also, just because someone has concerns about some of the SOGI 123 resources does not mean they have any ill will towards any person in the LGBTQ community.
Every large and powerful group has its fringe elements. LGBTQ is no exception. They have a very vocal and out of line fringe element assuming control and assuming to speak for the larger group.
Take note of the sensible and good willed lesbians marching in one of Britain鈥檚 Gay Pride parades recently with signs that said, 鈥淕et the L out.鈥
Extreme ideology intending to undermine traditional values and cultures is not what anybody I personally know in the LGBTQ community are really wanting to do.
Eileen Mountain,