Dear Editor,
My name is Ray Belzile, and I would like to respond to your suggestion of a name change for my home of British Columbia. [LETTER: Time to rename British Columbia,, July 20]
I am a half white and half Native man and I was born in the beautiful city of Chilliwack in the year of 1965.
I would like to present to you some eye opening facts. This province does not belong to you, nor does it belong to any single Native group or white, black, brown, purple, yellow, pink or confused group.
It has been entrusted to all of us together.
I am not opposed to a very thoughtful and planned name change, because it is correct that the word British has no bearing on this place.
The word Columbia refers to the Columbia River and not Columbus but maybe the Columbia River refers to Columbus.
Anyway I get your point.
I was raised in Prince George and now live in Dawson Creek. I am a forest worker and have been all my life working from Fort Nelson to Port Alberni to Grand Forks. I have stood on many mountain tops and can honestly say that this province is the most beautiful place on earth… at least to me.
So, if there is to be a name change let us take the people out of the name. Let’s name our province after itself, leaving human history out of it. Our province doesn’t deserve to be labeled with our problems. Our province is still pure despite everything we have done.
Let us name it as one would name a newly born child. As a newly born child has the ability to bring people together, maybe the name of our province could bring us together. One can have hope right?
Ray Belzile, Dawson Creek
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