The Editor,
Light rail is the worst decision Surrey could ever make, other than allowing over-development of housing, and the removal of trees.
Surrey has become an overdeveloped city, with a serious lack of services and Mayor Linda Hepner seems to want to
This will cause more traffic congestion than we see today. This will not take traffic off the roads, as the stages of housing developments will put more cars on the roads.
LRT is not the solution, especially on these major routes.
It will become a problem, and a costly one, as people will still drive,. The rail lines will do nothing but frustrate drivers and locals, as accidents will occur in greater degree.
They will have to fence every part of the line, as people will still walk/cross over the routes, not like the pretty pictures they post on the website. When will the first person be hit by a tram?
European cities have great tram service but they are not as dependent on the car as Surrey residents are, so they understand rules of the road.
I say no!
Rob Oliver, Surrey