Dear Editor,
Re: Rezoning Application No. 100589, (Neufeld/5759 240 Street), Bylaw No. 5717, Report 21-68, File CD 11-09-033
I do not support this application. This proposed development would result in significant tree loss for the immediate neighbourhood. The tree replacement policy is inadequate and even if it were substantially increased it would not compensate for the loss of the ecosystem would be destroyed or substantially degraded by loss of 4,000 trees.
The developer will have realized a windfall profit and the Township will have lost the opportunity to acquire a nature park for the Salmon River Uplands.
Council has before it an arborist report that documents the number and condition of the trees that will be retained and removed under the proposal. This is good but what would be better if Township also had in this and so many other circumstances a report from a qualified professional on the ecosystems that would be lost. Until changes like this are made
91Ô´´ will continue to not see the forest for the trees.
Some on council will doubtless urge that the application should be pushed along to the next stage of public hearings where these issues will somehow be resolved.
Public hearings are an important part of the bylaw process, but they are not designed for mayor and council to absorb and weigh these complex issues that I have raised. Council should exercise discretion now to get more information before taking us into a legislative stage that would leave the last word to the proponent and then legally require councillors not to receive further public input.
I urge council to reject this application outright or make significant changes to conserve the forested areas on site.
Kirk Robertson, 91Ô´´
• LETTER: Tree protection bylaw does not go far enough
• READ MORE: Township plans to fight heat by adding more trees to 91Ô´´
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