Dear Editor,
216th Street south of 88th Avenue is not a designated truck route . Yet every day hundreds of heavy rigs/semis are using this road to get to and from the No. 1 highway.
The provincial government directs us to our Township to enforce this bylaw however our Township refuses to help.
They tell us bylaw officers in 91Ô´´ can’t stop a moving vehicle therefore refer us to the police. The police refuse to help saying they are too busy and need to focus on areas where accidents and fatalities have occurred.
Bylaw officers in Surrey can stop vehicles.
Therefore either we need the function of bylaw officers in 91Ô´´ to be changed or we need more police.
There is often one truck per minute on this stretch of road travelling 25 feet from schools & homes. Development guidelines created by tax dollars were ignored providing our community with no protective buffer zone.
This is a public safety issue as heavy trucks can’t stop quickly and have many blind spots. They spew pollution and create excess noise that is a threat to human health.
Sadly young children are the most affected.
Why are we paying taxes if our bylaws are not being enforced?
Does a child have to be struck and killed before this is enforced?
From a 31-year resident,
Linda Nash, Walnut Grove
• LETTER: Resident continues to voice concerns about roadway
• LETTER: Fort 91Ô´´ truck route project a waste of $15 million
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