Dear Editor,
Re: Five schools to get traffic calming over summer,
Ok as long as they don’t mimic the ones surrounding Alex Hope School and Park in Walnut Grove – absoluely more humps than is sensibly required. There’s seven huge ones in total if you are coming from 209th Street around Telegraph Trail heading towards the freeway as most people are.
The last three on Telegraph Trail are not legally nor sensibly required. Any school and or playground that is fenced as is the adjacent Alex Hope Park does not require lowered speed limits or speed bumps.
Plus the fact that any and all speed controls around schools are only necessary during school hours not on weekends, night time, holidays, especially summer holidays.
Overkill to the max.
Dont get me wrong. I’ve been driving for 60 years now and am always cautious in and near school and play areas, and I love children as much as anyone, I just don’t like excessively large and too numerous speed bumps.
Jeff Laurie,Walnut Grove