Dear Editor,
Pave paradise?
I, and several of my neighbours, have been mailed letters from the City of 91Ô´´, reporting they are planning to come pave our centre median in our cul-de-sac with broom finish concrete.
We have lived in our home since 1983. Previous owners were instrumental in designing our residential area. Centre medians were put in some of the cul-de-sacs, including ours. When we first moved in, we asked the City of 91Ô´´ if they would attend to the tree in the median, as well as maintain the surrounding ground, they responded, ‘We don’t do that’. Never, in all 38 years of living here, has the City come out to tend to the area. Myself, my husband and neighbours, both ‘old and new’ have kept it in good order.
Now they want to come pave it, stating ‘many requests over recent years from neighbours to do something about the unsightly plant materials growing there’. Interesting. I wonder if City officials have seen our ‘little garden’. Currently, it is glorious, a small but beautiful oasis, lovingly attended by all the surrounding neighbours.
I suspect the ‘many complaints’ are from the recycling and garbage service companies, which have tried in the past to have it paved. We have complained to these companies in the past, as careless drivers tore up sections of the median. Many other drivers have not done so, in fact, have been able to negotiate the ‘circle’ quite nicely.
All the neighbours in our cul-de-sac are incredibly angry. We have emailed the manager of Parks Operation, (interesting way to’ manage’ a ‘park-like setting by paving it?) and CC’d our mayor.
We trust that ‘the powers that be’ will give their collective heads a shake and stop this.
Keep our city green.
Shirley Morrison, 91Ô´´ City
• READ MORE: City and landowner at odds over trailer in yard
• READ MORE: City tax hike ‘crazy’, auto shop owner says
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