Dear Editor,
What are they thinking of?
There is no reason that the RCMP should start acting like the ‘Stasi’ did in East Germany. The RCMP are considering placing snipers in the forest aiming at the First Nation’s protesters, who are out there defending their unceded land.
After all, it’s Mr. Trudeau who changed his mind about the pipeline.
In my opinion he’s a hypocrite and a liar, who just caters to money and the oil lobby and doesn’t deserve a vote. He’s too young and uneducated to be holding such an important position. It’s very embarrassing to me, a 50-year citizen, to go over to Europe and have to explain why Canada’s First Nations are treated as they are… now and in the past. Shameful!
Maurice Vanderbeke, Fort 91Ô´´
• READ MORE: Public Safety Minister asks RCMP for clarification over Indigenous blockade strategy