Editor: Re: Bill Dallas’ ,’ I think some factual clarification is in order. None of those firearms in the recent ad in the 91Ô´´ Times are assault weapons. None are military. There are two shotguns, four bolt-action rifles, three semi-automatic rifles, and one semi-automatic bullpup.
All are legal under Canadian law with a possession and aquisition licence. (PAL). The AR15 style rifle chambered in .223 Remington requires the additional hurdle of a restricted weapons permit.
In Canada, possession of firearms is restricted to two uses: hunting and target shooting (not property or personal defence).
Because the AR 15 is restricted, and because the Israeli Weapons Industries Bullpup is chambered in pistol ammunition, they can only be used for target practice.
We do not live in the USA, we do not have second amendment rights, but we have reasonable gun laws. Written and practical testing and criminal background checks. I would suggest that these types of firearms are rarely encountered by police in gang or drive by shootings. Criminals purchase their firearms on the black market and generally favour automatic weapons.
They certainly don’t buy at retail prices from legitimate dealers. Yes, Mr. Dallas these weapons can kill humans, but they were not specifically designed for this purpose. In Canada, they are for hunting and marksmanship.
The skeleton stocks, and ventilated forestocks are an evolution of design and materials technology, making these guns lighter and easier to carry, it does not mean they are military.
Finally, I would suggest the weapon of choice for many criminals these days seems to be the automobile.
Glenn Milbradt,