Dear Editor,
At the July 24, 2023, 91Ô´´ Township council meeting a nine-year-old girl came as a delegation to request residents sort their garbage and recycling correctly. She stated that some people will put a piece of paper into the garbage when it should go for recycling.
What is beautiful about this?
1. A child wanted to speak out for the environment.
2. A child was allowed to be a delegation to council which may not be allowed in other jurisdictions.
3. She is a female that was allowed to speak her mind which is not allowed in some countries.
4. She seemed a little anxious. Our Mayor Woodward was kind and encouraged her to continue, which she did.
5. Council listened to her request and made a statement to look into her concern.
We are so fortunate to live in a community where all of this could happen.
Dianne Kask, Aldergrove
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