Dear Editor,
I read Dan Ferguson’s article [Second go for arts centre, 91Ô´´ Times, Feb. 6, 2019]. This involved the consideration within 91Ô´´ City’s council regarding what size to build a new arts centre. Should it be a smaller 50,887 sq. ft. 500-seater or or the larger 650-seater, that was first considered? I assume, from reading this that the City has a site that would handle either one: somewhere on the old Dumais Farm I take it (near Kwantlen College).
Surely long before this date, 91Ô´´ City has been negotiating with 91Ô´´ Township in order to create a large enough project for all 91Ô´´ites. They must have. No? After all, those many functions to be held in such a facility will not be attended strictly by citizens from 91Ô´´ City. Most will come from the Township or even places beyond.
The Township’s former site, where the cultural centre was supposed to be built now - along with the old Township Hall property - is now soon to be covered in condos. So, if the Township isn’t going to do it, doesn’t it make sense that the two councils combine their efforts and create a 91Ô´´ Cultural Arts Centre that we can all enjoy?
In the past, these same councils have managed to co-operate on schools, pools and parks. What is to prevent them from getting together to build a full-sized cultural centre for both 91Ô´´s? Well, I’m sure that money is involved and maybe its location. But if it’s petty differences, get over it… please.
Evan Brett, 91Ô´´ Township