Editor: Bureaucrats need to stop patting themselves on the back. They have again served their own and ignored the real public interest.
The rail overpass planned for Mufford and Glover is a zillion dollar project (only the politicos know the real numbers). The issue is to get traffic moving, not get held up with rail crossings, speed bumps and “calming” circles. The cloverleaf at 200 Street and Highway 1 was noble, until they put in all the traffic lights. That corridor today is no better off. Traffic isn’t moving any faster.
Now you are going to do it again. Forget the heart sobs about green and environment. B.C. and Metro Vancouver people have to live somewhere.
Let us get around effectively. Bureaucrats — do your jobs. I want value for the taxes I pay, not lip service and certainly not more bureaucracy. I’m sorry your jobs are in jeopardy with the threat of amalgamation. Oh well.
Richard Keill,