Editor: On the first day of summer, it’s warm and sunny, the thermometer in my car reads 20 degrees Celsius. I pull into in the HomeSense parking lot I start to get out of my car when to my utter disgust I see a young child, about four years old, strapped into his car seat. All the windows are rolled up and he has been left alone.
Who does this? I sat for a moment wondering what I should do? It was literally only one to two minutes as I sat and realized that it was getting too warm in the car for me, so I dialed 911 on my cell phone. I explained to the 911 operator what was happening just as the mother approached the car, without a care in the world.
Immediately she rolled down the windows. It was obviously too warm for her.
As I began my descriptionto the 911 operator of the car, mother, and licence plate, she drove away. Parents, please, do not leave your children unattended, and never do so in a car during warmer months.
When it is 20 degrees Celsius, the interior of your car could reach temperatures of over 33 Celsius in just a few minutes. What a tragedy this would have been for this little boy and his family, had she not returned in time.
Glenda Johnston,