Editor: After travelling to France, Belgium and Holland this past summer and viewing some of the thousands of graves of our fallen soldiers, I came back with a more profound understanding of what these men and women went through to guarantee our rights and freedoms.
I was angered and disgusted at the defacing of one mayoralty candidate's election signs. It is every Canadian鈥檚 right to vote as they choose, but to see signs defaced with swastikas and other filth demonstrates to me a total lack of respect of what our soldiers fought and died for.
It seems obvious to me that because this was a targeted attack on one mayoralty candidate, these low lifes are probably supporters of another candidate. I certainly hope that this candidate will do the right thing and give the authorities the names of these individuals.
Candidates who know the identities of sign vandals who don鈥檛 give this information to police are just as guilty. They show very little respect for our freedom to support the candidate of our choosing.
Dave Eddleston,