Editor: Thanks very much to the Township’s traffic and engineering department. Our relatively peaceful neighbourhood has now been turned into a NASCAR race track weekdays starting at 5:30 a.m., continuing on all day and well into the night. On weekends, we have joined the MotoGP motorcycle racing circuit.
The said departments decided in their wisdom to ignore community safety concerns and carry on regardless, turning a deaf ear to all pleas from local residents. Zero Avenue has been closed between 248 and 256 Streets, for the replacement of a bridge. Instead of routing the traffic to already busy arterial streets, engineering and traffic decided to use country roads that are part of the linear trail system.
We now have all manner of racing vehicles, double tandem feed trucks, dump trucks, motorcycles, plus of course endless commuter cars and pickups, all going at least 30 clicks over the posted speed limit of 50 km/h and madly passing if the locals are not going fast enough. Any notion of walking, riding or cycling is gone. It is totally unsafe.
Even getting the local papers from the mailbox is a scary proposition. My husband and I used to enjoy a quiet walk in the evening. Forget it, it’s not worth the risk. Some neighbours were nearly run down while walking, and have now been forced to change their daily routine.
Zero Avenue residents fought for years for speed bumps to slow traffic. We now have all of the 0 Avenue traffic, but no speed bumps.
Seemingly, we have to live with this until the end of November. We can hardly wait until the weather changes, when the mornings and evenings are dark and school kids are back on the roads. Heaven forbid that there be snow or ice.
Township engineering and traffic departments — thanks for listening to us. Thanks for opting for the first idea that popped into your mind and sticking with it. We are really looking forward to the upcoming months of endless speeding screeching vehicles. Thanks so much for truly serving the community you are supposed to be working for.
Liz Kowalczyk,