Editor: Where does our taxpayer money go? To Statistics Canada.
Taxpayers wonder where all our money goes, besides the nice cars and clothes our higher-up government people get to enjoy. It also goes to Stats Can.
Not only do we have to sit down and answer these questions and submit them, but then the government does not do its job in processing them. The government then hires people to phone taxpayers to ask these same questions, which we filled out on paper and submitted already.
It doesn’t stop there. After doing this, the government then uses our money to pay for poor young students to go door to door to ask the same questions.
Last week, I witnessed a young man trying to do his job, but due to the government’s lack of co--ordination, he was abused by angry taxpayers. The people we should be mad at is our government.
It is wasting taxpayers’ money trying to gather statistics that aren’t processed. This causes their employees to be abused.
If we have that much extra money to spare, why not lower our taxes? The government needs a money management course. Maybe then it will put our money to good use, eventually.
Katrina Woodward,