Editor: This letter is in regards to the intersection of 264 Street and 24 Avenue.
On April 11, a young driver along with our 18-year-old son were coming home in a small Honda Civic, southbound on 264th and signalled to turn left onto 24th. As they were waiting to let an oncoming car pass by, a semi-truck passed them on their left side at full speed and just had enough time to squeeze back in the right lane again to avoid the oncoming traffic.
We frequently check rear view mirrors when making the same turn at this intersection. It should be upgraded before someone gets killed.
One simple thing to do is make this a no passing section of highway by painting solid lines on this section of road. A better solution would be to install a stop light with a turn lane, considering that the subdivision north of 24 Avenue and east of 268 Street has grown considerably over the past five to 10 years.
A church has also recently opened on the corner of 24 Avenue and 267 Street, which increases the traffic from 264th. Even the expensive route would be cheaper than losing a few young lives.
Aubrey and
Jane Vandergaag,