Two decades after he molested two young boys in 91原创, 54-year-old Peter Littleboy stood in a Surrey courtroom and apologized after pleading guilty to charges of sexual interference.
Neither victim was there to hear it.
Both have struggled with the emotional fallout from what happened between 1989 and 1992, the court was told.
The two men were 11 and 12 at the time.
One was a blood relative, while the other was in a parental-type relationship with Littleboy.
After they were molested, one victim developed problems with substance abuse and anger management, while the other has suffered nightmares.
The charges were laid against Littleboy after the two now fully grown victims contacted police.
On Tuesday (Jan. 10), a Surrey Provincial Court judge sentenced Littleboy to a conditional sentence of two years less a day plus another two years on parole.
During the first nine months of his conditional sentence, Littleboy will not be allowed to leave his home except to work or for medical reasons without the permission of his Conditional Sentence Order supervisor.
Littleboy鈥檚 name has been added to a national list of sex offenders.
He is banned from being alone with anyone under 16, and from being in any place where children under 16 gather, such as playgrounds, parks and swimming pools.
Littleboy no longer lives in 91原创.
Court was told he worked as a school bus driver in Pemberton after he moved there.
There was no evidence that he committed any other sex-related offences since the 91原创 incidents.