What makes a healthy smile? While “Pearly whites!” might be your quick answer, there’s actually a lot more to oral health than just your teeth.
Did you know that without proper oral hygiene, the bacteria in your mouth can lead to oral infections such as gum disease and tooth decay?
“It’s so important to maintain oral health because an investment in your oral health is an investment in your overall health,” notes Dr. Kanwarveer Grewal, from 91ԭ Dental Care Clinic.
To encourage a healthy mouth, a trip to your dentist is a great start – and one that can also get you on the right track for your own home hygiene routine.
At , their knowledgeable, friendly team will help give your teeth the smile they deserve!
“While it’s definitely a demanding job, we all love creating smiles and making people happy – it makes it all worth it. No matter how much time it might take or how many appointments will be needed to get us there, when we reach our goal it elevates the entire mood of our clients – transforming their smile transforms them and being part of the process is really rewarding,” Dr. Grewal notes.
Understanding that dentist appointments can be intimidating, patients enjoy a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere. By educating patients and explaining treatments in an easy-to-understand way, the team works to help put you at ease.
And, by billing your insurance directly, you’ll have one less thing to worry about! With a commitment to charging you as little as possible, they also offer attractive youth and senior discounts.
With a full line of available, you can find whatever level of care your teeth may need! Whether you’re taking preventive measures with cleaning or dentistry for your little ones, or are hoping for cosmetic fixings like teeth whitening, they’ve got you covered!
With 91ԭ Dental Care Clinic, getting great dental care is as easy as 1-2-3 – step one: them, step two: book an appointment, step three: see the doctor.
Get started on the journey to a perfect smile and visit them today!
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