Many of us go to LEGOLAND... but can't LEGOLAND come to us?
If you've ever wanted to see your province created out of that company's trademark block pieces, Nova Scotia-based artist and photographer Jeff Friesen has put together his series, a part of Friesen's "The Brick Fantastic".
(*above) shows off our province's intimate stereotypes – the trees, the ocean, the mountains, the Totems, and "a magical harvest".
(*All of Friesen's prints are available on his website, .)
Photos of the Great White North's LEGO-built provinces are below, followed by a few of my personal favourites from Friesen's American States collection.
"Oil's well that ends well."
"Last outpost of the non-ironic moustache. Since Manitobans won't pay retail for anything this print is marked down $1. Now just giv'er and buy one already."
New Brunswick
"If you don't like the water level just wait five minutes."
"Come-from-aways learn that being screeched-in is worse next morning when you figure out your pillow is a haddock."
Nova Scotia
"That's some good kitchen party, yuhp!"
"Boardrooms of Canada echo with the call of the Great White North."
Prince Edward Island
"Presented full size in Lego. Just kidding!"
"It really is a distinct society."
"Inspired by the Snowbirds he once watched from below, now Strawman sweeps the skies of crows."
"Roll tide! Just restrain yourself from rolling a tailgate party onto the playing field."
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Fish for a man and he is food for a week. -From Abominable Quotes by Shaggy Bonespitter"
"Good fences make good neighbors?"
"Head ‘em up, move ‘em out, send ‘em down...the famous snowboard wranglers of Aspen."
"Inspired by the title of Emanuel Leutze’s famous painting, Washington Crosses 'The Delaware.'"
"Reptilian life-forms rule the beaches of Florida. Luckily, most are slow moving."
"As it turns out Rhett Butler and Scarlet O’Hara’s passion for one another was easily doused by local firefighters."
"Sometimes extreme surfing is more about the board than the wave."
"A Mardi Gras float is only as good as its clean-up crew."
"If you find yourself in a pinch here just rub the swollen area with Moxie."
New Mexico
"People tend to shy away from probing questions in the land of enchantment."
"Only organic free-range chickens run amuck at the FreeBird food truck. Just don’t get pecked when you pluck."
"Delicate arches and delicate noggins collide in the Utah backcountry."