Dear Editor,
I would like to state that the new 203rd street from Grade Crescent to 56th aAvenue looks great but is a very bad design.
As a driver:
1. I am more stressed as anything can pop out in front of me from between the parked cars as they are so close to the road way they must fold their mirrors in to protect them.
2. Trucks coming the other way are crossing the line, due to the parked cars on their side, causing me to slow down and possibly hit the parked cars on my side.
3. I could not pull over to get out of the way of a fire truck that was coming up behind me. I had to pull into a parking lot. Lucky it was close by.
As a cyclist:
1. I tried to use the bike lane but had issues navigating around light poles, bus stops and people, especially with dogs on long leashes.
2. I cruise at about 25 km/h down the hill from Grade and going up and down the driveway ramps cause too much wear and tear on my bike and my back.
3. I must use the roadway. Someone on the bridge told me to use the bike lane. I did not respond as I was travelling too quickly but they were standing in the bike lane at the time.
4. I must come into the roadway at the roundabout as per signage. A little dangerous when the drivers are looking to the left as they are closing in and will not see me on the right pop out in front of them.
As a pedestrian:
1. Everything is great.
I hope council and engineering heed these issues as it is a poor design and it also cut the parking spaces by at least a half. Good thing the Cruise-In is not here as no one would be able to park to visit.
Having the bike lane and parking as part of the street (same as 53rd from 200th to 203rd) is a better design. That is the second leg of my cycle to work and there are no issues I can see.
Jeff Miller, 91原创