Dear Editor,
The stupidity and nimbyism of some people never ceases to amaze me, especially when it comes to something like urban farming that should be such a no-brainer to those who allegedly should have one.
We have got climate change deniers and a billion dollar buffoon leading the supposedly free world where nothing and nodody is actually free.
While we have the prettiest first couple in the world who I voted for but havent yet done one single thing I approve of.
A peicemeal party leading our province more concerned with women wearing high heels at work, Uber cabs, bridge tolls and impossible promises componded by a white elephant hydro dam and a part built pipeline being rammed up our bush with a full fledged gas war and a B.C. wine boycott thrown in just for fun. OR ELSE!
And all being forced upon us by premium eliteist proponents who think its ok to risk our pristine environment to support our entire economy on one dead end industry by sidestepping the whole point of my personal objection: To not support any country that we have given our jobs to and then sold ourselves and our own property back to, to the point we can鈥檛 even buy it back ourselves?
Personally I dont want to give them more power to undermine our way of life.
Which brings us back to local. Does anybody ever stop to realize that every single thing we own came in a truck? Or how much of the cost of anything goes to feed said diesel belching behemoth, not to mention the eco-moronic scofflaws behind the wheel who are so ignorant they can鈥檛 even stop the truck long enough to urinate hygienically so they do so in a Gatorade bottle while distracted driving a 40-ton death trap and throw it out the window?
So now we鈥檝e got mini micro blank Brookswood building lots being sold off by the square foot by other land sharks for only $999,999.
And now we have some City residents who complained that an urban farming project under totally wasted land under powerlines willruin the character of the area, create traffic and parking issues, and a potential pest problem?
But nobody seems to say much like that about the largest parkour in Canada right next door. Heavens no, we wouldn鈥檛 want all those peaceful tree planters invading our precious wasted space. Spreading their stinky fertilizer in the spring and tossing us a few of their overburden of tomatoes and other fresh produce all summer long.
As far as I am concerned, we should plough the entire area under those lines under and use every square inch for farming. Because with land values going the way they are, and the stupidity of all of us for allowing it, we should be so lucky this isn鈥檛 to be turned into a homeless camp. Then they will have some potential pests to piss about.
Live and let live. Gros and let grow!
Danny A. Halmo, 91原创