Dear Editor,
203 Street is a show street for the city
As a long-term resident of 203rd Street and someone who has been involved with the project from the very beginning (since the overpass was in the design stages), I would like to address some of the concerns that have been brought up in letters to the editor.
Over the past few years 203rd Street has turned into a speedway.
The narrow street was designed to slow the traffic down, so far it is working.
Eliminating the right-hand turn lane on Grade Crescent at 203 street for northbound traffic was done to stop drivers from turning right on a red light without stopping. This has allowed residents on 203rd Street close to Grade Crescent to get out of their driveways without getting hit or honked at or getting the finger.
There were several public information meetings. The major meeting was at Nicomeki School on Feb. 23, 2016, when the City and the engineering company had people in attendance to answer questions and present various options for 203rd Street and the roundabout. The people than completed a form with their concerns and recommendations. The City engineering department did an excellent job presenting the various options.
The bike lane was designed as a 鈥渕ulti-purpose鈥 lane for use be cyclists, motorized scooters and skate boarders. If cyclist want to ride fast than I suggest they use 200th or 208th Streets. Otherwise slow down and enjoy our beautiful street.
203rd Street is a show street for the City. Kudos to the city engineering staff, the engineering design company and the construction company. They all did a great job.
R. Shaw, 91原创 City