Suzanne Perreault
Running for school trustee in the Township of 91Ô´´
Youth & women’s counsellor and inclusive education presenter/speaker, 48
• Have you held office in past? If so, please specify: No.
Candidate provided bio:
Seeking her first term as trustee, Suzanne is a long-time advocate for inclusion, a strong committed community leader who’s completed serving on DPAC for six years, with three consecutive as president. She had been an administrator of a private vocational school, worked as a SEA, and a TEDx speaker.
Currently she is working as a youth and women’s counsellor.
The various committee’s she has attended to include SD35’s inclusive education, emergency preparedness, LGBTQ, and human dignity coalition.
She has both chaired and was an active member on the BCCPAC inclusive ed committee for three years.
Suzanne has been nominated for both the Fraser Valley Diversity Award & BC Excellence in Autism Awards.
She has successfully worked alongside educators and parents creating positive changes in school climate as well as parent engagement based on focusing on the communication process as it interfaces with the journey of children’s success in the classroom.
Website: (to be launched)
• Who is your favourite superhero, and why? Wonder Woman of course! Strength, courage, integrity, honour, resilient.
There are 12 candidates running for seven positions on 91Ô´´ School Board. The following are questions asked of each trustee hopeful. They were directed to provide a minimum of a Yes, No, or Don’t Know answer, and given an option to expand on one answer in print (to a maximum of 100 words per question). They could expand on all questions online, if they wished to do so. The following are their replies.
Questions and Answers:
1. What neighbourhood of 91Ô´´ do you live in?
Answer: Murrayville
2. How many years have you lived in 91Ô´´?
Answer: 8 years
3. How many 91Ô´´ School Board meetings have you attended in the past year?
Answer: All but one.
4: Do you support the use of the SOGI resources in 91Ô´´ schools?
Answer: Yes.
5. Should school districts once again have authority over municipal school taxation?
Answer: Yes.
6. Are school administrators overpaid?
Answer: No.
7. Should the province have the power to dismiss school boards?
Answer: Yes, in the rare occasion where a board is not operating the public’s best interest there needs to be a mechanism to address the issue.
8. Should 91Ô´´ offer incentives to attract more teachers?
Answer: Yes.
9. Do schools rely too much of parent fundraising efforts?
Answer: Yes.
10. Should the district do more to lobby for new schools in the faster growing areas?
Answer: Yes.
11. Do you think the province is underfunding public education?
Answer: Yes.
12. Should the school district solicit corporate money by way of sponsorship to fund education?
Answer: No.
13. Should the school district cut down on using technology, like iPads and computers – to save money?
Answer: No.
14. Should the district have a strategy to reduce portables?
Answer: Yes.
15. Should we re-instate the previous busing boundaries for students?
Answer: No.
16. Should students requiring extra attention – such as ESL or those with behavioural or learning disabilities –betaught separately from other students?
Answer: No, however there should always be extra space for all learners to be able to access in the event they need a temporary separate learning space from their classroom.
17. Do you support increasing the amount of international students to help fund education?
Answer: No.
18. Should a trustee live in the community they want to serve in?
Answer: No.
19. Should there be a limit to the number of consecutive terms a trustee can serve?
Answer: Yes.
20. Should the district redevelop vacant school sites to bring in revenue?
Answer: No, we are not in the business of risking taxpayers money in hopes to generate funds.