Sindy Jeffrey
Running for school trustee in the City of 91Ô´´
Court-ordered child visitation supervisor, film industry, and semi-retired, 62
• Have you held office in past? If so, please specify: No.
Candidate provided bio:
I was born in B.C., the youngest of four children. I have my own three adult children and three grandchildren. I have lived in 91Ô´´ 13 years, my grandchildren attend a 91Ô´´ elementary school.
I joined the Canadian Armed Forces when I was 17, similar field as a corrections officer and continued working in the corrections environment.
At a later date, I returned to school, graduating from the police academy (investigation and enforcement skills program) was a member of the child and youth prostitution task force hosted by the attorney general’s department.
While my children were attending school I was involved with their PAC at different levels, including the PAC president and DPAC. Continuing my education in child psychology (DEAC accredited) and court-ordered child home visit supervisor.
The last few years I have been involved with my grandchildren and in the film industry.
Telephone number voters can reach you at: 778-848-4921
• Who is your favourite superhero, and why?
Supergirl, always ready for the challenge.
There are 12 candidates running for seven positions on 91Ô´´ School Board. The following are questions asked of each trustee hopeful. They were directed to provide a minimum of a Yes, No, or Don’t Know answer, and given an option to expand on one answer in print (to a maximum of 100 words per question). They could expand on all questions online, if they wished to do so. The following are their replies.
Questions and Answers:
1. What neighbourhood of 91Ô´´ do you live in?
Answer: 91Ô´´ City.
2. How many years have you lived in 91Ô´´?
Answer: 13 years
3. How many 91Ô´´ School Board meetings have you attended in the past year?
Answer: Not enough.
4: Do you support the use of the SOGI resources in 91Ô´´ schools?
Answer: Ambiguous question. Age appropriate.
5. Should school districts once again have authority over municipal school taxation?
Answer: Yes. I will advocate to support this.
6. Are school administrators overpaid?
Answer: No.
7. Should the province have the power to dismiss school boards?
Answer: No. These are officials, people elected.
8. Should 91Ô´´ offer incentives to attract more teachers?
Answer: Yes.
9. Do schools rely too much of parent fundraising efforts?
Answer: Yes.
10. Should the district do more to lobby for new schools in the faster growing areas?
Answer: Yes.
11. Do you think the province is underfunding public education?
Answer: Yes.
12. Should the school district solicit corporate money by way of sponsorship to fund education?
Answer: Yes.
13. Should the school district cut down on using technology, like iPads and computers – to save money?
Answer: No.
14. Should the district have a strategy to reduce portables?
Answer: Yes.
15. Should we re-instate the previous busing boundaries for students?
Answer: Not sure.
16. Should students requiring extra attention – such as ESL or those with behavioural or learning disabilities – betaught separately from other students?
Answer: Yes, be taken out for certain subjects then returned to the class.
17. Do you support increasing the amount of international students to help fund education?
Answer: No.
18. Should a trustee live in the community they want to serve in?
Answer: Yes.
19. Should there be a limit to the number of consecutive terms a trustee can serve?
Answer: Yes.
20. Should the district redevelop vacant school sites to bring in revenue?
Answer: Redevelop into other learning centres.