Margaret Kunst
Running for council in 91Ô´´ Township
Business owner and director of non-profit, 51
• Have you held office in past? If so, please specify: No
Candidate provided bio: I was born and raised in 91Ô´´ and fortunate to live in four of 91Ô´´â€™s communities. My husband and I raised four kids and live in Brookswood. We operated our business, Farwest Sawdust & Shavings Ltd., for 20 years.
My experience includes volunteering on various committees and boards and being active in 91Ô´´â€™s sports and recreation community: 91Ô´´ minor hockey, 91Ô´´ women’s hockey, 91Ô´´ mixed slo-pitch, and working part-time as a tour guide in Vancouver.
Currently I sit on 91Ô´´â€™s immigration refugee advisory committee and Township of 91Ô´´â€™s housing coordination committee.
In 2008 I volunteered to help settle 50 families who arrived as refugees, working specifically with youth make positive connections in the community.
Currently I work as the operations director for PuCKS Powerplay Foundation. I’m privileged to work with a variety of people and organizations to help kids reach their academic goals, play sports, gain work experience and find employment.
Phone: 604-533-7106
• Who is your favourite superhero, and why? Superman – He is always there to help people. He does it anonymously and doesn’t want to be exposed for his heroism.
There are 23 candidates running for eight 91Ô´´ Township council seats. The following are questions asked of each candidate hopeful. They were directed to provide a minimum of a Yes, No, or Don’t Know answer, and given an option to expand on one answer in print (to a maximum of 100 words per question). They could expand on all questions online, if they wished to do so. The following are their replies.
Questions and Answers:
1. What neighbourhood of 91Ô´´ do you live in?
Answer: Brookswood
2. How many years have you lived in 91Ô´´?
Answer: 51 years
3. How many 91Ô´´ Township council meetings have you attended in the past year?
Answer: I have gone to all the meetings except for two this past year.
4: Should the municipality be directly funding social housing to reduce homelessness?
Answer: Don’t know. I think the municipality needs to play a role to support but this should be a shared responsibility.
5. Do you support elevated rail over light rapid transit from Surrey to 91Ô´´?
Answer: Yes. But we need the density to support bringing elevated rail which is something we need to plan for in the future.
6. Should the municipality fund an arts centre?
Answer: Yes.
7. Would you vote to raise taxes to hire more police?
Answer: Yes.
8. Does 91Ô´´ need a new or second hospital to serve the growing population?
Answer: Yes.
9. Does Willoughby need its own dedicated library?
Answer: Yes.
10. Is there enough effort being made to preserve farmland?
Answer: Don’t know.
11. Should 91Ô´´ allow construction of residential towers?
Answer: Yes.
12. Should 91Ô´´ have its own municipal police force, replacing the RCMP?
Answer: No.
13. Do you think residential property taxes are too high?
Answer: No.
14. Do you support the expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline?
Answer: Yes.
15. Should the municipality offer tax breaks, incentives, or rebates to companies looking to set up shop here?
Answer: Yes.
16. Is 91Ô´´ being pushed to grow too fast?
Answer: Don’t know.
17. Do you support redevelopment of Fort 91Ô´´â€™s downtown?
Answer: yes.
18. Should development of Brookswood be phased in?
Answer: Don’t know.
19. Should the Township set a deadline to finish widening 208th Street in Willoughby?
Answer: Yes.
20. Should there be a limit to the number of consecutive terms a member of council can serve?
Answer: Yes.