Serena Oh
Running for mayor in the City of 91Ô´´
Advisor for the highest ranking politicians (2015-18), 60
• Have you held office in past? If so, please specify: Not answered
Candidate provided bio: Residency: 91Ô´´. Volunteering: BC Seniors Games, seniors resources society. Top issues: 1. Affordable housing, poverty reduction. 2. Safe healthy, vibrant City. 3. Clean rapid transit.
Phone: 778-277-1110
• Who is your favourite superhero, and why? Serena Oh is my superhero, honest, kind, loving, courageous, bold, problem-solver, never give up, strong leadership.
There are three candidates running for the City of 91Ô´´â€™s mayor’s chair. The following are questions asked of each candidate hopeful. They were directed to provide a minimum of a Yes, No, or Don’t Know answer, and given an option to expand on one answer in print (to a maximum of 100 words per question). They could expand on all questions online, if they wished to do so. The following are their replies.
Questions and Answers:
1. What neighbourhood of 91Ô´´ do you live in?
Answer: Douglas
2. How many years have you lived in 91Ô´´?
Answer: Five years
3. How many 91Ô´´ City council meetings have you attended in the past year?
Answer: 5-7
4: Should the City be directly funding social housing to reduce homelessness?
Answer: Work with federal government.
5. Do you support elevated rail over light rapid transit from Surrey to 91Ô´´?
Answer: No.
6. Should the City’s industrial area be phased out in favour of residential and commercial development?
Answer: Yes.
7. Would you vote to raise taxes to hire more police?
Answer: No.
8. Do you agree with the growth estimates for 91Ô´´ City in its new Nexus of Community strategic plan?
Answer: No.
9. Should 91Ô´´ have its own municipal police force, replacing the RCMP?
Answer: Yes.
10. Should the City fund an arts centre?
Answer: Yes.
11. Does 91Ô´´ City need an indoor swimming pool?
Answer: No.
12. Should 91Ô´´ City lobby for its own urgent care centre?
Answer: No. Work with Township.
13. Do you think residential property taxes are too high?
Answer: Yes. Review.
14. Should the City amalgamate with the Township?
Answer: No. Homeless issues work with Township.
15. Should the municipality offer tax breaks, incentives, or rebates to companies looking to set up shop here?
Answer: Yes.
16. Is 91Ô´´ City being pushed to grow too fast?
Answer: No.
17. Should 91Ô´´ City take more direct action to combat the opioid crisis locally?
Answer: Yes.
18. Should the City encourage the creation of more rental and low-income housing?
Answer: Yes.
19. Should the City taxes be cut by cutting services?
Answer: No.
20. Should there be a limit to the number of consecutive terms a member of council can serve?
Answer: Yes.