91Ô´´ Camera Club Exhibition, presented by the City of 91Ô´´ and the 91Ô´´ Arts Council is on display in the 91Ô´´ City Hall foyer until Nov. 30.
Established in 1961, the 91Ô´´ Camera Club offers all levels of photographers a variety of experiences such as workshops, guest speakers, competitions and weekly meetings.
The public are invited to stop by 91Ô´´ City Hall, 20399 Douglas Cres., to enjoy a variety of photographic prints capturing a wide range of subject matter.
This exhibit is presented as part of the 91Ô´´ Arts Council’s Art in Found Spaces initiative which offers artists the opportunity to showcase their talents in publicly accessible locations, thereby enhancing these areas for the enjoyment of citizens and visitors to the area.
For additional information on this and other 91Ô´´ Arts Council opportunities, please call Rosemary Wallace at 604-530-3855.