It’s fitting that December’s Christmas meeting is when the Greater 91Ô´´ Chamber of Commerce gives out the H.D. Stafford Citizen of the Year Award.
Every year it goes to someone who has put in time and effort on behalf of their community. This year, it was Kathy Derksen, longtime board chair and volunteer with the 91Ô´´ Hospice Society, who has overseen their expansion from a tiny group to the opening this past spring of a freestanding residence for end-of-life care.
People like Derksen exemplify what 91Ô´´ is capable of as a community.
Every year, the volunteer who has put in countless hours is called up to the podium, and every year, they say that there are so many other people who deserve to be there accepting the award, so many people who put in their own time and effort.
91Ô´´, like the rest of Canada, has faced a lot of tough problems during the last decade. Aside from a worldwide pandemic, we’ve seen a crisis of homelessness, and another crisis of overdoses. We’re worried about the environment and our local farmers, buffeted by heat waves and extreme cold. We’ve got too many people who are economically squeezed and having trouble both paying rent and putting food on the table.
But 91Ô´´ residents are good at stepping up to help.
Whether it’s a potential flood or a food drive, you can be sure that people will be there to help out. 91Ô´´ has a host of groups, from large and well-funded non-profits, to faith-based groups, to small clubs, youth organizations, and ad hoc gatherings, that can tackle a challenge.
This holiday season, people are helping out all the more, donating, volunteering, giving out toys and warm clothes.
This is no mere holiday spirit. It will continue through the year here in 91Ô´´.
– M.C.
READ ALSO: IN OUR VIEW: Please buy a snow shovel, and use it
RELATED: IN OUR VIEW: We have food banks because the government has failed
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