Each Christmas, the 91Ô´´ Advance Times publish letters to Santa from local children, and this year several classes in local schools have written to the jolly ol' elf.
Here are letters from West 91Ô´´ Elementary Grade 1 students.
Dear Santa,
what is best gift from Santa is a machic mixy bycas.
Love Anika. Thank you
Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santa,
My name is Austin and I am seven years old. I love ChristmaS and I wot a elf
Form Christmas
Austin, Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santa
My name is Beau I am six years old I love my famlee I love My NaNas oog!
Love Beau
Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santa,
My name is Brynley and I am Six years old. I love Sith be cas hee is osam.
Do you let your ellvs Prdeet?
Love Brynley
Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santa
My name is Claire and I am six years old. I love boloing and my famly. Wot do you in yoru free time!
Love, Claire
Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santa,
My name is Conor and I am six years old. I love my Dad. I love to get my christmas tree wit my Mom and dad! Can I Ples get toy cars?
Love Conor,
Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santa,
My name is Ember and I am six years old! I Love my fameil. I wot to now hw it is at the noth pll? Is it Cold at the noth pll! Are the Ellfs a lod to have a dss qity!
Love Ember
Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santa,
My name is Felix and I am six years old. I like playing with Henry were do yougit all yor elvs? Wot is yor favrite coler? Wot is yor favrite food? How do yor raindeer fly? What do you want for Cristmas?
Love Felix,
Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dean Satnta,
My name is Jakob and I six years old. I wat a Jeep with a conchrolr Plees!
Jakob, Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santa,
My name is Jameson and I am six years years old I love Coolas and wern did you cam form? How old are you? I, hoop hav, a good cismes!
Love Jameson
Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santa,
My name is Jasper and I am six Years old I love School! my bruder and I hav a pet Hamster his Name is Rook it
Jasper, Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santa,
My name is Kaiden and I am six yeaers old. I like beeing whith my frends.how old are you mery christmas santa
Love Kaiden
Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santa,
My name is Kensie and I amd six years old I Love my famly. And I like too doo bik rids. I Love you Santa and how mene elfs doo you have.
Love Kensie
Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santa,
My name is Kyle and I am six years old. I love to pla with bother and I Love My fammly and I Love My frends.
Love Kyle
Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santa,
My name is LaKynn. and I am six years old. I love Dinsore and how Doo you mac the toys! and I wot a stich robot for christams Ples Santa
LaKynn Loves Santa
Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear santa,
My name is Liam I am six years old! I love opnin prnsons
Liam, Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santas
My name is Makenna and I am six years old. Love school and I Like school!
Love Makenna
Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santa,
My name is Mara and I am six years old. I love my famly I have two sbling and haw mach elfs do you have?
Love Mara
Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santa,
My name is Norah and I am six years old. I love my famry and my elf at home at christmas Do you sleap with the elfs owr the randeer? Wht color is the snow? Do the elfs put the star up? Is it cold in the North Pole? Can I have bisees for christMas
love Norah
Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santa,
My name is Quinnly and I am Six years old and I love my famle! I hav a Pet dog name is Tucker and hee licks to poll boll things
Love Quinnly
Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santa,
My name is Mia and I am six years old. I love my Bruther wen hepa hthe sow with Me!!
Mia, Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santa,
My name is Rose and I am six years old. I like Dogs and beening With my frends Lakynn
and Quinnly and Norah. Wut Dus it feel? like in the North Pole how mak toys at the
North Pole? Wat Dus it feell in the North Pole?
love Rose
Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary
Dear Santa,
My name is Sage. and I am 6 Years old. I love skatbod.
lub Sage
Grade 1, West 91Ô´´ Elementary